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Midone Nulled 4.0.3 – Tailwind CSS 3 & Laravel 8 Admin Dashboard Template + HTML Version

Save yourself the time and money of starting from scratch. We’ve created a set of Laravel-ready and TailwindCSS-ready admin dashboard starter kit with clear directory structure for fast development.

Midone Nulled is a Laravel dashboard starter kit with TailwindCSS integration. It provides a directory structure and project scaffolding tailored for production& can be that next step up your Laravel journey.

TailwindCSS Admin Dashboard Starter Kit for Laravel.

Want to start your own Laravel project? Then you’ll need this. Midone Nulled is a starter kit written by the Laravel team and introduces TailwindCSS, the fastest CSS framework available. The project scaffolding and directory structure has been specially designed for production apps. It includes a blade template as well as a TailwindCSS component.

Midone Nulled is a Laravel admin dashboard starter kit with TailwindCSS integration. You can use Laravel blade template as well as a TailwindCSS component. The project scaffolding and directory structure has been specially designed for production.

You’re looking for a better way to manage your Laravel apps? With Midone Nulled , you can stay on top of app issues with notifications, custom dashboards, easy-to-use reports, and more. In just a few minutes of loading the project template or using our command line utility, you’ll be able to launch your new admin dashboard.

Midone – Laravel 9 Admin Dashboard Template + HTML Free Download
