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SecurImages Captcha Plugin Nulled 4.2.1 [Free Download]

SecurImages Nulled works with any Joomla extension capable of using the Joomla core captcha plugin system. It uses the Securimage PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes (including math challenge) to protect forms from spam and abuse.

SecurImages Joomla Plugin Nulled Features

  • Works with Joomla Registration and any other extensions that is compatible with Joomla captcha plugin system;
  • Works with Contact Enhanced, iRecommend, Ajax Recommend and Ajax Contact;
  • Customizable code length, character sets, and Unicode support;
  • TTF font support. You can choose the font you want to use;
  • Very easy to customize colors;
  • Easily add background images;
  • Easily add signature to images;
  • Several security features such as image distortion, random lines, and noise;
  • Flash button to stream audible codes in WAV format;
  • Ability to use a word list; Add a word list in your language to /plugins/captcha/securimage/lib/words/
  • Display alphanumeric captchas, or simple math problems;
  • Highly customizable!