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Sandbox dPlugins Nulled 12.2.5 [Free Download]

Changes on a live Oxygen website without the fear of breaking it or intercepting the visitor’s experience are now possible with the Sandbox dPlugins Nulled.
With dPlugins Sandbox mode, you can now work in an isolated environment of the same site, and send a unique secure link to your client for review.

The live version of the site won’t be affected by any changes in the Oxygen builder until you publish them.

Any change you made to Oxygen Builder’s settings (plugin setting and global style), post (all Oxygen related MetaPost) will be isolated until you published it.

You are working on an online shop. Payments are going frequently. And if you move your website to local to test the changes, so no one can see them you will run into a problem in a mismatch regarding those payments, registered users, and orders are not matching anymore.